Tango Academy is the school of Argentine Social Tango in Tbilisi, Georgia, and New York City, USA.
Since 2013 Tango Academy has been promoting Argentine Social Tango in Georgia, giving group and individual classes, organizing events, hosting tango festivals and being involved in different public projects. From 2021 Tango Academy starts activities in New York.
Argentine tango is a social dance originating at the end of the 19th century in Buenos Aires. Argentine Tango is an interpretive, improvisational social dance that allows partners to develop a deep connection between themselves, the music, and the environment in which they are dancing. In addition to traditional Tango, there are two other types of Tango that are danced in milongas. One such type is called a Milonga. The other is the Vals (Waltz) (Note: Milonga is both – a social dance, and a Tango Evening). Tango Academy hosts Milongas every Sunday from 19:00 pm. in Tbilisi, Georgia.